Deuteronomy Bible Studies - on the Structure

Deuteronomy - It is a matter of the heart.


These studies on structure will help you see that the Book of Deuteronomy is concerned with the human heart.


Not Just Laws

It is very unfortunate that so many read Deuteronomy and come away with the idea that it is just a bunch of Ancient Laws. To miss the emphasis on the human heart in Deuteronomy is to miss a main point of the book.


The structure of Deuteronomy is somewhat confusing and it is hard to see, and indeed, there are several theories about the structure. However, any way the book is sliced in detail, the book definitely has a flow, or packaging, and the studies planned for Deuteronomy will help you see that structure or flow.

Connections to Isaiah

People often struggle with Isaiah because they are missing some key things from Deuteronomy. After all, it is quite difficult to know what you do not know! The studies planned herein will help provide that inter-book connectivity.

Would you like a little more information on the pre-requisite knowledge in Deuteronomy needed to study Isaiah? If so, click the button below.

The link button below takes you to an index page for the Deuteronomy Studies. The first two studies are “What are you Saying?” and “What (or Who) are you near to?”