Slides for Pastors

Various images and diagrams are provided in Jpeg format, for insertion into your own slides. Keep in mind that the focus of this webpage, and therefore these slides, is on literary structure. A brief description is provided below.

A one-page summary or synopsis of the value of the content of this website for Biblical Literacy is available on a downloadable sheet by clicking on the link button below. You are of course free to share the link to that page or the sheet with your colleagues or your congregation.

Slides for Pastors

There is no plan or purpose to put completed presentations or slide shows out on this web page, only a few images that you can access and insert into your own presentations. Your presentations would be tuned for the teaching and particular needs of a congregation, and these slides would certainly be a small portion of that. None-the-less, more structure needs to be taught! The various images and diagrams are provided in jpeg format for insertion into your slides. The slides are copyrighted, but you are permitted and encouraged to use them in congregational settings. Keep in mind that the focus of this webpage is on literary structure, and therefore these slides correspond to that “niche” subject matter. A brief description is provided below, and further description as well as download buttons are provided on the linked pages. You can click directly on an image to go to that specific page.


Chiastic Structure

Biblical poetry is often chiastic. This slide can help visually introduce that topic. A warning though, it might make your audience hungry!

Use of “Saying”

This slide corresponds to a portion of the slide in the Deuteronomy Bible Study “What are you saying.”

Currently, there is just this one slide on Deuteronomy posted, but come back to this web page as it is planned that more slides will be added supporting structure.


Under Construction

This image and verbiage is placed here provisionally for future expansion.

 The button below is added to provide a downloadable copy of the information sheet for pastors and educators on ISAIAH REVISTED, A Structural View.