Books on Isaiah
by Richard F. Harwood
Would you like help understanding why Isaiah is so difficult to read?
Dr. Harwood writes mostly for a general audience aiming to help people read and comprehend Isaiah.
For direct help in reading Isaiah the place to start is without question Isaiah Revisited, A Structural View, which is highlighted below and listed as Book Four. Book Two, The Near and Far Theme and the Literary Structure of Isaiah is more technical. Book Three, a Study Guide, has been printed and tested with a study group but is forthcoming.
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Please see many additional details under Book Four in the portfolio below.
It is highly recommended that you read, and if desired, download, and print the two page Fast Track Understanding of Isaiah Revisited found under this next link. You may want to fold that in half, and place it in Isaiah Revisited when you receive the book. Also download the errata found under the image of Isaiah Revisited below.
Click on the images above to go to further information on the books.