Keep in mind that the purposes of a website are different than those of a journal. The document provided below is important, interesting, and hopefully helpful in providing fresh perspective on Isaiah, but the note is not intended to be of journal quality.
Additional documents will be added here as time goes on. The technical details in these notes have been available to selected Isaiah scholars for more than several years.
Isaiah 50:9 - 51:8 is a proposed chiastic unit.
This document presents the evidence that Isaiah 50:9 - 51:8 is chiastic, and demonstrates the connection to Psalm 102. Mathematical analysis is also presented.
Isaiah 50:9 - 51:8 is important to the interfaith dialogue concerning the identify of the Suffering Servant. This is only one of many chiastic units adjacent to, or bounded by, verses containing the Hebrew root words for “near” and “far.” Keep in mind that there are approximately 17 such chiastic units, and more roughly 40 chiastic units overall.