Pre-requisite knowledge needed from Deuteronomy to help understand Isaiah

What is the essential knowledge in Deuteronomy required to help understand the structure of Isaiah?

1) One of the most important things is to have some knowledge of the blessings and judgement that God had promised the Ancient Hebrews. These are known as the “Blessings and Curses of the Covenant” and are recorded in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26.  This understanding is particularly important for study of Isaiah 28 – 33.

2) To understand the literary structure of Isaiah, one needs to know about the uses of the words “near” and “far” in Deuteronomy, as well as in the rest of the first five books of the Bible. For this reason, one of the Deuteronomy Studies will focus on Deuteronomy 30:11-14.   It is so important that I used the words in the title of a book.  To see that book click on this link

3) It turns out that the word “saying” is important in Isaiah, and elsewhere in the Bible. For this reason and other useful reasons, the word “saying” is a primary focus area of the Deuteronomy Study - What are You Saying?   Words such as “saying” and “declaring” become important in locations such as Isaiah 45 – 48, and 56:1-8.  It is not the first thing that one needs to know to study Isaiah, but it is a good starting point from a structural perspective in Deuteronomy.     

4) The general flow or structure of Deuteronomy is important not only because it helps to see the emphasis on the human heart in Deuteronomy, but because it leads to an understanding that Deuteronomy 30 is important.   One should definitely read and study Deuteronomy 30 before reading Isaiah.   

For a helpful chart, and further information on why the passage of Deuteronomy 11:26 – 30:20 is particularly important to understand in preparation for Isaiah, press the link button below to view or download a two-page paper.   (This is the same note as is posted under the Scriptures/Deuteronomy tab).  

There is much more background of importance in Deuteronomy for Isaiah, but the above materials are sufficient for now.