The Trimming and Relighting
of the Lampstand in Isaiah
Isaiah is an extremely difficult book to comprehend. The book begins by providing a broad introduction to the Ancient Temple in Jerusalem, and then primarily focuses on the literary structure of Isaiah 28 – 35, one of the most difficult portions of Isaiah to understand.
Make sure you get the second edition. The Amazon site typically continues to list earlier editions even when they have been replaced.
The book presents a hypothesis.
The Trimming and Relighting is perhaps a little controversial. It was reviewed by some excellent scholars prior to publication, and other theologians are in support, but others have not accepted the premise of the book. It is too much to say it is controversial simply because not enough individuals have been exposed to the concept. The book was first published in June of 2014, a second edition was published in 2017. Since that time, a demonstration of the structure has been made and published and the overall literary structure of Isaiah has become abundantly clear. (See The Near and Far Theme and the Literary Structure of Isaiah.) Much more is understood about the literary structure than is documented even in The Near and Far Theme. There is a third demonstration of the proposed literary structure in the works, but it will be several years before I can get that done.
The book is a little clunky because it attempts a combination of evangelical and technical materials. Honestly, I find it a little difficult to read, and I wrote it! Yet, the book contains an astounding hypotheses concerning Isaiah 28 - 35 and Isaiah 58 -62. I would appreciate your purchase of it.