This page is intended for review scholars only.  In any event, you can not go further without appropriate passwords.  If you are not an invited scholar, please hit the back button on your browser to return to the previous page.

Isaiah Structural Information for Scholarly Review

There are a number of important reasons why the link below is password protected.  These include:

First, review of materials by scholars is absolutely appropriate for structural information thought to be new, before a public release.   This protected link provides that opportunity to seminary scholars.  As a college and university professor I well remember that we would run flat out to meet student needs, so, although always disappointed, I am not surprised when review does not occur.  However, materials will eventually be posted publicly with or without a review, but at least the opportunity will be provided.

Second, copyright laws obviously need to be observed and respected.  U.S. Copyright laws allow an exception for scholarly exchange and therefore limiting distribution to materials below to selected scholars adheres to this exception until the concern can be corrected either by obtaining permissions from Biblical Publishers, or by going to open source scriptures.

Third, there are materials protected below that impact various scholarly debates on Isaiah, and further, time is needed to consider evangelism approaches.   This protected link enables an improved roll out of information, although opportunity for an optimal roll out has already passed.

Finally, I wish to advocate funding for specific Biblical Scholars.  There are a number of scholars who have encouraged this work since 2014, and it would be appropriate if they and/or their institutions could be remembered in this process.